Getting Results
Brian Munroe is the most successful State Representative HD-144 has ever had, and he’s just getting started. With your support this November, Rep. Munroe will continue to have your back in Harrisburg by working to strengthen our community through important legislation and provide opportunities here at home by securing needed funds. Not only that, you’ll see him around at events throughout the district. Brian actually listens and cares about the things that matter to you – and he’ll keep working hard to find solutions as your State Representative!
House Bill 2017 is bipartisan legislation that would put the following safeguards in place:
- Require social media companies to monitor the chats of two or more minors on the platform and notify parents or legal guardians of flagged sensitive or graphic content.
- Strengthen proof-of-age verification on social media platforms by requiring consent from a parent or legal guardian for anyone younger than 16 to open a social media account and notify parents or legal guardians if a child under 16 opens a social media account without consent.
- Prohibit data mining for users under the age of 18 and allow any individual to request the deletion of data that was mined while they were under the age of 18.
A bill to equip financial institutions and fiduciaries with the necessary tools to identify, report and prevent the financial exploitation of older adults and care-dependent individuals. Brian’s mother was recently defrauded even though her bank was fully aware of the transaction.
Legislation to support Pennsylvania veterans exposed to the dangerous herbicide “Agent Orange” and other toxic chemicals during their service, and make March 29 Vietnam Veterans Day in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Munroe (D-144), along with State Representatives Lisa Borowski (D-168) and Tim Brennan (D-29), issued a co-sponsorship memoranda on Wednesday that details soon to be introduced legislation to enhance the state’s Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act (SATEC).
Bipartisan legislation to permit police officers to count time from a previous law enforcement job toward their pensions at their current job. House Bill 1910 would require local governments and regional police departments to allow police officers to buy back up to five years of prior service to count towards their pension.
House Bill 1786 continues to ensure women in both Pennsylvania and our neighboring states that their personal health choices remain between the patient and their medical provider.
Grants & Funding
Over $3 million in grant money for various infrastructure, public works projects, and community organizations throughout the district, including:
Under the H2O PA grant, the Warminster Township Municipal Authority will receive $912,000 for construction to retrofit the Tennyson and Whittier basins.
North Wales Water Authority and Ivyland Borough will receive $120,400 and $422,301, respectively, through the PA Small Water and Sewer grant program. Ivyland will use its grant to help fund the Greeley Avenue Storm Sewer project.
Ivyland Borough received $122,188 through the state’s Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program for the From Barracks to Blooms project. Ivyland’s property from the former Naval Air Warfare Center Warminster will be converted into a public park.
Committees & Caucuses
- Commerce
- Consumer Protection, Technology & Utilities
- Insurance
- Local Government
- Professional Licensure
- Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness
- Southeast Delegation
- Blue-Green Caucus
- International Commerce Caucus
- Law Enforcement Caucus